Woman smiling in a mirror

Love Yourself by Taking Action

If someone claimed to love you but never backed it up with actions, would you trust them? Probably not.

Actions are supposed to speak louder than words, right?

Now, turn that question inward. Are you doing the same to yourself?

When someone tells you they love you, you expect them to be there.

To keep their word.

To show up when it counts.

But we don’t always hold ourselves to the same standard, do we?

I’ve been there, making big promises to myself, swearing this year would be different.

I’d finally get that project done, start that habit, or get serious about chasing that dream. But some goals seem to slip through my fingers like hot sand each year.

It’s tough when you feel like you’ve let yourself down again.

It’s easy to slip into shame. And that’s not a place that’s ever useful.

I do try to give myself credit for where I am right now. There’s always going to be another mountain to climb. And as long as I’m still exchanging breaths, tomorrow’s another chance to give it a shot.

But when you watch yet another opportunity slip by, one that really mattered to you, it might be time to examine what’s keeping your words and actions from lining up.

Every time you break a promise to yourself, you’re draining your self-trust account. Too many withdrawals, and you’ll find yourself broke — in confidence, self-belief, and the ability to count on yourself.

Keeping those promises is like making deposits, with interest.

Every time you follow through on something you’ve committed to, no matter how small, you’re making a deposit.

  • Woke up on time? Ka-ching.
  • Finished that project on schedule? Ka-ching.
  • Had that tough conversation? Ka-ching. Ka-ching.

Moving towards what’s most important to you is accomplished by making millions of these little deposits over time. Each action, no matter how small, is like concrete proof that you’re reliable. Not to anyone else, but to you.

You can’t say you’re not doing it. You’re keeping your promise.

Before you know it, you’re not just trying to follow through; you’ve become someone who does. You’re showing love and building confidence by simply backing up your words with actions.

And the next time you want to set a goal, you’ll trust yourself and have a little more confidence you can get it done.

Confidence doesn’t come from feeling any kind of way about yourself.

We all want to wake up and feel confident to take on the world. Confidence doesn’t work that way.

You build confidence by taking one little scary action, then another, and before you know it, you look back and see a trail of evidence showing you’re moving towards your goals.

Confidence is just proving to yourself you can handle what’s ahead.

Here’s what you can do right now.

  • Pick one goal you’ve struggled with. Make it small, but meaningful.
  • Break it down into three small manageable actions for this week.
  • Write those down, and turn them into reality. Follow through simply because you said you would.

Love yourself enough to act, to commit, and to show up for yourself.

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