Entries by lori

Finding opportunities in lean times

The fall season is officially here. I know that because oak trees  in all their glory are dropping their acorn bounty quite literally everywhere. Hundreds of acorns, at all times of day and night, bounce off the roof and scatter across the pavement. They fall on my head. The ground is littered with them, crunching […]

Driving Blind on a Country Road

I’ve been enjoying some time in the Midwest in Missouri lately. If you’ve ever driven a country road in Missouri, you know there’s a good chance it is going to be hilly. Missouri has a vast network of small rural roads that bend and wind around big rocks, cliffs and Dollar Generals. Yesterday as I […]

When Will AI Become Your Therapist?

Do you think AI will take over therapy and make people like me obsolete? It’s interesting to me that when some new and revolutionary tech pops onto the scene, people immediately go to the worst case scenario. It will take all our jobs. We won’t be able to think for ourselves. It will take over […]

Lessons in Resilience from a Solar Eclipse

There’s something kind of magical about knowing exactly when the moon will sneak in front of the sun and cast a brief shadow over the day. I remember an eclipse when I was in middle school that I witnessed through a pinhole on a sheet of paper. While I didn’t see the eclipse directly because […]

The Stress-Busting Soundtrack of the 80s

One thing is becoming very clear as Generation X enters AARP territory: we are now in charge of the class (we just let ourselves in, thank you very much) and we just wanna rock. I follow a few Gen X groups on Facebook, and the nostalgia for 80s music is unbelievably strong. I think that’s […]

What Your Insecurities Say About You

Feeling a bit insecure is something we all deal with from time to time. Who hasn’t gone into an important presentation, a big game, or a new support group with some butterflies about how you’re going to pull this off? I would venture that even today’s most reliable standard bearers of achievement still struggle with […]